to this and return the sum (if it exists)
to this and return the sum (if it exists)
represents a single, atomic set of measurements.DataPoint
TODO - would be *very* nice if categories would automatically update themselves when necessaryDataPoint
TODO - for now, this is really a MultiWellPlateDataSet; need to refactor the DataSet from MultiWellPlateDataSet so this can be used for other applicationsObject
from the DataSet
and return the result
has changed (TODO - add finer-grain notification so listeners don't need to update everything on a change event)
getMainFrame() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.MirkE
getMeasuredPlateRowColumnVector() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.DataSet
getMenuList() -
Static method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.menu.MenuXMLParser
Returns the menu list by parsing the menu xml file that is configured in
mirke.properties file
getMessage(String) -
Static method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.util.MirkeMessages
Returns the locale specific message for the given key
getMethodName() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.menu.MenuItem
Returns method name
getMirke() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.EventDispatcher
getMirke() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.MainFrame
getMirke() -
Static method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.MirkeContext
returns mirke object
getMirke() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.PlateView
getMirke() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.WellButton
getMirke() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.util.DataAnalyzer
getMyMessage() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.exceptions.MirkESystemException
getName() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.Magnitude
getName() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.Observable
getName() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.menu.MenuItem
returns item name
getName() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.menu.MenuList
returns item name
getNameKey() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.menu.MenuItem
returns item name key
getNameKey() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.menu.MenuList
returns item name key
getNumberOfColumns() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.DataSet
getNumberOfColumns() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.PlateDescription
getNumberOfRows() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.DataSet
getNumberOfRows() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.PlateDescription
getObservable(String) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.util.ObservableFactory
getObservableFactory() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.DataSet
getObservableName() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.PlateWellDataPoint
getObservableToMeasuredValueMap() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.DataPoint
get a Map
mapping from Observable
s to corresponding MeasuredValue
getObservables() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.DataSet
getObservationFromObservable(Object) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.DataPoint
getObservedUnits() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.PlateWellDataPoint
getObservedValue() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.PlateWellDataPoint
getPlateColumn() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.PlateWellCategory
getPlateColumn() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.PlateWellDataPoint
getPlateColumn() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.PlateWellDescriptor
getPlateColumnLabel() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.WellButton
getPlateIdentifier() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.PlateDescription
getPlateIdentifier() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.PlateWellCategory
getPlateIdentifier() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.PlateWellDataPoint
getPlateIdentifier() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.PlateWellDescriptor
getPlateIdentifiers() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.DataSet
getPlateRow() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.PlateWellCategory
getPlateRow() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.PlateWellDataPoint
getPlateRow() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.PlateWellDescriptor
getPlateRowLabel() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.WellButton
getPlateView() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.PlateViewEvent
getPlateWellType() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.PlateWellDescriptor
getProperty(String) -
Static method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.util.MirkeProperties
Returns the property value for the given key
getSelectableParameter() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.PlateView
getSelectableParameter() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.WellButton
getSession() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.DataSet
getSessionFactory() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.DataSet
get the Hibernate sessionFactory
getStandardDeviation() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.MeasuredValue
getTimestamp() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.DataPoint
getTimestamp() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.PlateDescription
getTimestamp() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.PlateWellDataPoint
getTraceEnabled() -
Static method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.trace.MirkE_ExceptionHandler
aspect tracing
getUnitAbbreviation() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.Unit
getUnitConversionMultiplier() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.Unit
getUnitConversionOffset() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.Unit
getUnitField() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.Unit
getUnitName() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.Unit
getUnits() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.UnitValue
getValue() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.UnitValue
getWavelengthToCIE_XYZ() -
Static method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.DataSetColorModel
- handleException(Throwable) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.trace.MirkE_ExceptionHandler
- handleException
handles a throwable
Exception the exception may or may not have a cause set.
handleException(String, Throwable) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.trace.MirkE_ExceptionHandler
extract and display the exception information
hashCode() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.DataPoint
hashCode() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.exceptions.MirkEApplicationException
Returns the hashcode of this instance
hashCode() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.exceptions.MirkEFileNotFoundException
Returns the hashcode of this instance
hashCode() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.exceptions.MirkEIOException
Returns the hashcode of this instance
hashCode() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.exceptions.MirkESystemException
Returns the hashcode of this instance
- IndexObservable - class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.IndexObservable.
- IndexObservable() -
Constructor for class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.IndexObservable
- importDataSet() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.EventDispatcher
- import a DataSet
- initialize() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.PlateView
- insertUpdate(DocumentEvent) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.PlateWellPropertySelectionWidget
- isCompatible(Unit) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.Unit
- Method to know if two units are compatible.
- isDebug(String) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.trace.MirkELogger
- isEditable() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.UnitValue
- listenerList -
Variable in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.PlateView
- load(String) -
Static method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.io.VictorTextFileDataSetLoader
- load a DataSet from a Victor text dump
- load(File[]) -
Static method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.io.VictorTextFileDataSetLoader
- load a DataSet from a Victor text dump
- load(File) -
Static method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.io.VictorTextFileDataSetLoader
- load a DataSet from a Victor text dump
- load(File, DataSet) -
Static method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.io.VictorTextFileDataSetLoader
- load a DataSet from a Victor text dump
- Magnitude - class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.Magnitude.
- Magnitude() -
Constructor for class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.Magnitude
- Constructor for JavaBeans
- Magnitude(String) -
Constructor for class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.Magnitude
- Constructor that sets up the magnitude's name.
- MainFrame - class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.MainFrame.
- MainFrame() -
Constructor for class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.MainFrame
- default constructor
- MainFrame(MirkE) -
Constructor for class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.MainFrame
- constructor with a
- MeasuredValue - class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.MeasuredValue.
- A
along with a first statistical moment (standard deviation)
TODO - add support to store and propagate arbitrary moments - MeasuredValue() -
Constructor for class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.MeasuredValue
- default constructor
- MeasuredValue(double, double, Unit) -
Constructor for class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.MeasuredValue
- constructor
- MeasuredValue(Double, Double, Unit) -
Constructor for class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.MeasuredValue
- constructor
- MeasuredValue(UnitValue) -
Constructor for class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.MeasuredValue
- constructor
- MeasuredValueTest - class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.MeasuredValueTest.
- MeasuredValueTest() -
Constructor for class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.MeasuredValueTest
- MenuActionListener - class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.MenuActionListener.
- This class is listener for all the menu options.
- MenuActionListener() -
Constructor for class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.MenuActionListener
- Empty constructor
- MenuException - exception edu.asu.cri.MirkE.exceptions.MenuException.
- This class is exception class for menu related exception
- MenuException(String) -
Constructor for class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.exceptions.MenuException
- Constructor accepting the message
- MenuException(String, Throwable) -
Constructor for class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.exceptions.MenuException
- Construct accepting the message and the caused by exception
- MenuException(Throwable) -
Constructor for class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.exceptions.MenuException
- Constructor accepting the caused by exception
- MenuItem - class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.menu.MenuItem.
- This class represents a menu item
- MenuItem() -
Constructor for class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.menu.MenuItem
- MenuList - class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.menu.MenuList.
- This class represents a menu list containing child menu items/menu lists
- MenuList() -
Constructor for class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.menu.MenuList
- MenuXMLParser - class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.menu.MenuXMLParser.
- This class parses the menu.xml file of mirke
- MenuXMLParser() -
Constructor for class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.menu.MenuXMLParser
- MetabolicAssayDataAnalyzer - class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.util.MetabolicAssayDataAnalyzer.
- MetabolicAssayDataAnalyzer() -
Constructor for class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.util.MetabolicAssayDataAnalyzer
- parameter free constructor
- MetabolicAssayDataAnalyzer(MirkE) -
Constructor for class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.util.MetabolicAssayDataAnalyzer
- MirkE - class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.MirkE.
- MirkE - developed to facilitate simple (and not so simple) tasks for colormetric analysis assays
- MirkE() -
Constructor for class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.MirkE
- default constructor
// TODO - open to a simple spreadsheet like view
- MirkE(String) -
Constructor for class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.MirkE
- MirkE(File[]) -
Constructor for class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.MirkE
- MirkEApplicationException - class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.exceptions.MirkEApplicationException.
- MirkEApplicationException(String) -
Constructor for class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.exceptions.MirkEApplicationException
- Constructor with a message of the exception
- MirkEApplicationException(String, Throwable) -
Constructor for class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.exceptions.MirkEApplicationException
- Constructor with a message of the exception
- MirkEApplicationException(Throwable) -
Constructor for class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.exceptions.MirkEApplicationException
- Constructor with a message of the exception
- MirkEFileNotFoundException - exception edu.asu.cri.MirkE.exceptions.MirkEFileNotFoundException.
- MirkEFileNotFoundException(String) -
Constructor for class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.exceptions.MirkEFileNotFoundException
- Constructor with a message of the exception
- MirkEFileNotFoundException() -
Constructor for class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.exceptions.MirkEFileNotFoundException
- Constructor with a message of the exception
- MirkEFileNotFoundException(Throwable) -
Constructor for class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.exceptions.MirkEFileNotFoundException
- Constructor with a message of the exception
- MirkEIOException - exception edu.asu.cri.MirkE.exceptions.MirkEIOException.
- MirkEIOException(String) -
Constructor for class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.exceptions.MirkEIOException
- Constructor with a message of the exception
- MirkEIOException(Throwable) -
Constructor for class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.exceptions.MirkEIOException
- Constructor with a message of the exception
- MirkELogger - class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.trace.MirkELogger.
- MirkELogger() -
Constructor for class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.trace.MirkELogger
- MirkELoggerFactory - class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.trace.MirkELoggerFactory.
- MirkELoggerFactory() -
Constructor for class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.trace.MirkELoggerFactory
- MirkESystemException - class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.exceptions.MirkESystemException.
- MirkESystemException(String) -
Constructor for class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.exceptions.MirkESystemException
- Constructor with a message of the exception
- MirkESystemException(String, Throwable) -
Constructor for class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.exceptions.MirkESystemException
- Constructor with a message of the exception
- MirkESystemException(Throwable) -
Constructor for class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.exceptions.MirkESystemException
- Constructor with a message of the exception
- MirkESystemException(Throwable, boolean) -
Constructor for class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.exceptions.MirkESystemException
- Constructor with a message of the exception and indicator to tell the
exception handler to call system exit
- MirkESystemException(boolean) -
Constructor for class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.exceptions.MirkESystemException
- Constructor with a message of the exception and indicator to tell the
exception handler to call system exit
- MirkETransactionException - class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.exceptions.MirkETransactionException.
- MirkETransactionException(String) -
Constructor for class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.exceptions.MirkETransactionException
- Constructor with a message of the exception
- MirkETransactionException(Throwable, String) -
Constructor for class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.exceptions.MirkETransactionException
- Constructor with a message of the exception
- MirkETransactionException(Throwable) -
Constructor for class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.exceptions.MirkETransactionException
- Constructor with a message of the exception
- MirkE_ExceptionHandler - class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.trace.MirkE_ExceptionHandler.
- Displays error messages to the user in a dialog box
created has a getInstance factory method that returns a
new instance of this dialog.
- MirkE_ExceptionHandler() -
Constructor for class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.trace.MirkE_ExceptionHandler
- Creates a new
MirkE_ExceptionHandler instance
this parent dialog is set to modeltrue
MirkeContext - class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.MirkeContext.
MirkeContext() -
Constructor for class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.MirkeContext
MirkeMessages - class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.util.MirkeMessages.
This class hanles all the locale specific information that is to be
MirkeMessages() -
Constructor for class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.util.MirkeMessages
MirkeProperties - class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.util.MirkeProperties.
This is a kind of singleton class for holding all the application level
properties configured for MirkE
MirkeProperties() -
Constructor for class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.util.MirkeProperties
main(String[]) -
Static method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.Client
main(String[]) -
Static method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.MirkE
main(String[]) -
Static method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.DataSetTest
main(String[]) -
Static method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.MeasuredValueTest
main(String[]) -
Static method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.UnitTest
metabolicAssays() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.EventDispatcher
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.WellButton
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.WellButton
mouseExited(MouseEvent) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.WellButton
mousePressed(MouseEvent) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.WellButton
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.WellButton
multiply(double) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.MeasuredValue
multiply a double
to this and return the product
multiply(MeasuredValue) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.MeasuredValue
multiply a MeasuredValue
to this and return the product
- Observable - class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.Observable.
- An
is a property that can be measured or otherwise observed ('time'; 'concentration'; 'absorbance at 570nm'; etc). - Observable() -
Constructor for class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.Observable
- default constructor
- Observable(String) -
Constructor for class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.Observable
- constructor
- ObservableFactory - class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.util.ObservableFactory.
- Simple utility class to prevent duplication of Observable objects
TODO - depreciate / remove this class by using features of Hibernate with a non-unique key (like Observable.name)
- ObservableFactory() -
Constructor for class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.util.ObservableFactory
- default constructor
- ObservableFactory(DataSet) -
Constructor for class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.util.ObservableFactory
- constructor
- observableToMeanValueMapToColor(Map) -
Static method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.DataSetColorModel
- PerWellDataAnalyzer - class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.util.PerWellDataAnalyzer.
- PerWellDataAnalyzer(MirkE) -
Constructor for class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.util.PerWellDataAnalyzer
- preferred constructor
- PlateDescription - class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.PlateDescription.
- PlateDescription() -
Constructor for class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.PlateDescription
- PlateView - class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.PlateView.
- A viewer for multiwell plates used to represent colormetric data and to allow users to select which well(s) belong to a specific group
- PlateView(MirkE, String) -
Constructor for class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.PlateView
- constructor
- PlateViewEvent - class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.PlateViewEvent.
- PlateViewEvent() -
Constructor for class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.PlateViewEvent
- zero parameter constructor
- PlateViewEvent(PlateView) -
Constructor for class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.PlateViewEvent
- constructor
- PlateViewEventListener - interface edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.PlateViewEventListener.
- PlateWellCategory - class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.PlateWellCategory.
- PlateWellCategory() -
Constructor for class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.PlateWellCategory
- parameter free constructor
- PlateWellCategory(String, String, String, String) -
Constructor for class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.PlateWellCategory
- PlateWellDataPoint - class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.PlateWellDataPoint.
- TODO - absorb DataPoint into an abstract class and make this a subclass of it
- PlateWellDataPoint() -
Constructor for class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.PlateWellDataPoint
- PlateWellDescriptor - class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.PlateWellDescriptor.
- PlateWellDescriptor() -
Constructor for class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.PlateWellDescriptor
- PlateWellPropertySelectionWidget - class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.PlateWellPropertySelectionWidget.
- A viewer for multiwell plates used to represent colormetric data and to allow users to select which well(s) belong to a specific group
- PlateWellPropertySelectionWidget(MirkE) -
Constructor for class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.PlateWellPropertySelectionWidget
- constructor
- PlateWellPropertySelectionWidget(MirkE, Vector) -
Constructor for class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.PlateWellPropertySelectionWidget
- constructor
- paintComponent(Graphics) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.WellButton
- parseObservableWavelengthAndType(String) -
Static method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.io.VictorTextFileDataSetLoader
- performAction(ActionEvent) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.PlateWellPropertySelectionWidget
- plateViewChanged(PlateViewEvent) -
Method in interface edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.PlateViewEventListener
- plateViewChanged(PlateViewEvent) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.WellButton
- plateViewEvent -
Variable in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.PlateView
- plotGrowthCurves() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.EventDispatcher
- plot growth curves
- printStackTrace(PrintStream) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.exceptions.MenuException
- Overloading the print stacktrace so that it will print the stack trace
of causedby exception also
- processAndGuessLabelWavelengths(DataSet, Vector, Map) -
Static method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.io.VictorTextFileDataSetLoader
- raiseToPower(double) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.MeasuredValue
- return the nth power of this
- removeDataPoint(DataPoint) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.DataPointCategory
- removePlateViewListener(PlateViewEventListener) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.PlateView
- Remove a listener (no longer notify it of changes to an instance of the
- removeTabPanel(String) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.PlateWellPropertySelectionWidget
- removeUpdate(DocumentEvent) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.PlateWellPropertySelectionWidget
- rowNumberToLabel(int) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.DataSet
- rowNumberToLabel(int) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.PlateView
- save(Object) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.DataSet
- save an
to the DataSet
- saveDataPointCategories() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.DataPointCategoryFactory
- ensure that all
(ies) have been saved
- scale -
Variable in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.MirkE
- Comment for
- scheduleInitialization() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.MainFrame
- scheduleInitialization() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.util.MetabolicAssayDataAnalyzer
- setAccessKeyStroke(String) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.menu.MenuItem
- sets access key stroke
- setAccessKeyStroke(String) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.menu.MenuList
- sets access key stroke
- setCategoryName(String) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.DataPointCategory
- setCategoryName(String) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.PlateWellCategory
- setCategorySet(Set) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.DataPointCategory
- setCategoryType(String) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.DataPointCategory
- setClassName(String) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.menu.MenuItem
- sets class name
- setConfiguration(Configuration) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.DataSet
- set the Hibernate configuration
- setConnection(Connection) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.DataSet
- set the SQL database connection
- setCurrentDirectory(File) -
Static method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.MirkeContext
- sets current directory
- setDataSet(DataSet) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.MirkE
- setDataSet(DataSet) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.DataPointCategoryFactory
- setDataSet(DataSet) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.util.ObservableFactory
- setDescriptorMap(Map) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.DataPoint
- Deprecated.
- setEditable(boolean) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.UnitValue
- setErrorMapRequired(boolean, long) -
Static method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.trace.MirkE_ExceptionHandler
- A new instance of mirke has been created so we
need a new map for the errors generated by this instance
- setEventDispatcher(EventDispatcher) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.MirkE
- setId(long) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.DataPoint
- setId(long) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.DataPointCategory
- setId(long) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.Magnitude
- setId(long) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.Observable
- setId(long) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.PlateDescription
- setId(long) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.PlateWellCategory
- setId(long) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.PlateWellDataPoint
- setId(long) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.PlateWellDescriptor
- setId(long) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.Unit
- setId(long) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.UnitValue
- setMainFrame(MainFrame) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.MirkE
- setMethodName(String) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.menu.MenuItem
- sets method name
- setMirke(MirkE) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.EventDispatcher
- setMirke(MirkE) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.MainFrame
- setMirke(MirkE) -
Static method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.MirkeContext
- sets mirke object
- setMirke(MirkE) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.PlateView
- setMirke(MirkE) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.WellButton
- setMirke(MirkE) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.util.DataAnalyzer
- setMyMessage(String) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.exceptions.MirkESystemException
- setName(String) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.Magnitude
- setName(String) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.Observable
- setName(String) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.menu.MenuItem
- sets item name
- setName(String) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.menu.MenuList
- sets item name
- setNameKey(String) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.menu.MenuItem
- sets item name key
- setNameKey(String) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.menu.MenuList
- sets item name key
- setNumberOfColumns(int) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.PlateDescription
- setNumberOfRows(int) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.PlateDescription
- setObservableName(String) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.PlateWellDataPoint
- setObservableToMeasuredValueMap(Map) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.DataPoint
- setObservedUnits(String) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.PlateWellDataPoint
- setObservedValue(double) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.PlateWellDataPoint
- setParent(Component) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.trace.MirkE_ExceptionHandler
- set the parent for this
of this exception handler
- setPlateColumn(String) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.PlateWellCategory
- setPlateColumn(String) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.PlateWellDataPoint
- setPlateColumn(String) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.PlateWellDescriptor
- setPlateColumnLabel(String) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.WellButton
- setPlateIdentifier(String) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.PlateDescription
- setPlateIdentifier(String) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.PlateWellCategory
- setPlateIdentifier(String) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.PlateWellDataPoint
- setPlateIdentifier(String) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.PlateWellDescriptor
- setPlateRow(String) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.PlateWellCategory
- setPlateRow(String) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.PlateWellDataPoint
- setPlateRow(String) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.PlateWellDescriptor
- setPlateRowLabel(String) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.WellButton
- setPlateView(PlateView) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.PlateViewEvent
- setPlateWellType(String) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.PlateWellDescriptor
- setSelectableParameter(String) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.PlateView
- setSelectableParameter(String) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.WellButton
- setSessionFactory(SessionFactory) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.DataSet
- set the Hibernate sessionFactory
- setStandardDeviation(double) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.MeasuredValue
- setTimestamp(Timestamp) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.DataPoint
- Deprecated.
- setTimestamp(Timestamp) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.PlateDescription
- setTimestamp(Timestamp) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.PlateWellDataPoint
- setTraceEnabled(boolean) -
Static method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.trace.MirkE_ExceptionHandler
- enable aspect tracing
- setUnitAbbreviation(String) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.Unit
- setUnits(Unit) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.UnitValue
- setUp() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.DataSetTest
- setUp() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.MeasuredValueTest
- setUp() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.UnitTest
- setValue(double) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.UnitValue
- showMe() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.trace.MirkE_ExceptionHandler
- showPerWellAnalysis() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.EventDispatcher
- stdevFromListAndMean(List, double) -
Static method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.util.DataAnalyzer
- storeUnitValueForObservable(Object, UnitValue) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.DataPoint
- subtract(UnitValue) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.MeasuredValue
- add a
to this and return the sum (if it exists)
- subtract(MeasuredValue) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.MeasuredValue
- subtract a
from this and return the difference (if it exists)
- tearDown() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.DataSetTest
- tearDown() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.MeasuredValueTest
- tearDown() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.UnitTest
- testAdd() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.MeasuredValueTest
- testConvertTo() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.UnitTest
- testDelete() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.DataSetTest
- testDivide() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.MeasuredValueTest
- testEquals() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.UnitTest
- testFind() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.DataSetTest
- testIsCompatible() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.UnitTest
- testMultiplyMeasuredValue() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.MeasuredValueTest
- Class under test for MeasuredValue multiply(MeasuredValue)
- testRaiseToPower() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.MeasuredValueTest
- testSave() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.DataSetTest
- testSaveMeasuredValue() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.DataSetTest
- testSaveUnit() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.DataSetTest
- testSaveUnitValue() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.DataSetTest
- testSubtract() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.MeasuredValueTest
- toColor(MirkE, String) -
Static method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.DataSetColorModel
- toColor(MirkE, Map, Map, Map) -
Static method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.DataSetColorModel
- toString() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.DataPoint
- toString() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.MeasuredValue
- toString() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.Observable
- toString() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.PlateDescription
- toString() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.PlateWellCategory
- toString() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.PlateWellDataPoint
- toString() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.PlateWellDescriptor
- toString() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.Unit
- toString() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.UnitValue
- toString() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.exceptions.MirkEApplicationException
- Describes the instance and its content for debugging purpose
- toString() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.exceptions.MirkEFileNotFoundException
- Describes the instance and its content for debugging purpose
- toString() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.exceptions.MirkEIOException
- Describes the instance and its content for debugging purpose
- toString() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.exceptions.MirkESystemException
- Describes the instance and its content for debugging purpose
- toTimestamp(String) -
Static method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.io.VictorTextFileDataSetLoader
- toVector(float[]) -
Static method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.DataSetColorModel
- Simple conversion from an array of floats to a Vector
- toggleWellState() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.WellButton
- Unit - class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.Unit.
- Unit() -
Constructor for class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.Unit
- Parameter-free JavaBean constructor (for Hibernate)
- UnitTest - class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.UnitTest.
- UnitTest(String) -
Constructor for class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.UnitTest
- Constructor for UnitTest.
- UnitValue - class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.UnitValue.
- storage for a scalar (double) value and an associated Unit
TODO - replace the scalar with an arbitrary Object (will take too much time to develope with hibernate for now)
- UnitValue() -
Constructor for class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.UnitValue
- default constructor
- UnitValue(double, Unit) -
Constructor for class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures.UnitValue
- constructor
- update() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.WellButton
- update the
to reflect the current state of the DataSet
- updateToolTipText() -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.WellButton
- VictorTextFileDataSetLoader - class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.io.VictorTextFileDataSetLoader.
- Reads a text file generated by Victor's software (TODO - find its name) and returns a DataSet
- VictorTextFileDataSetLoader() -
Constructor for class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.io.VictorTextFileDataSetLoader
- WellButton - class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.WellButton.
- WellButton(MirkE, String, String, String, String) -
Constructor for class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.WellButton
- preferred constructor
- warning(String, String) -
Method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.trace.MirkELogger
- log the information of the method entry joinpoint
- wavelengthToCIE_XYZcomponents(Integer) -
Static method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.DataSetColorModel
- wavelengthToColor(double, double) -
Static method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.DataSetColorModel
- Convert from a wavelength of monochromatic light to an approximate Color
- wavelengthToColor(Integer, double) -
Static method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.DataSetColorModel
- Convert from a wavelength of monochromatic light to an approximate Color
- wavelengthToColor(Integer, float) -
Static method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.DataSetColorModel
- Convert from a wavelength of monochromatic light to an approximate Color
- xyzToColor(float[]) -
Static method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.DataSetColorModel
- Convert from XYZ values to a Color
- xyzToColor(float[], float) -
Static method in class edu.asu.cri.MirkE.gui.DataSetColorModel
- Convert from XYZ values to a Color
All Classes
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