Uses of Class

Packages that use UnitValue

Uses of UnitValue in edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures

Subclasses of UnitValue in edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures
 class MeasuredValue
          A UnitValue along with a first statistical moment (standard deviation) TODO - add support to store and propagate arbitrary moments

Methods in edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures with parameters of type UnitValue
 MeasuredValue MeasuredValue.add(UnitValue unitValue)
          add a MeasuredValue to this and return the sum (if it exists)
 MeasuredValue MeasuredValue.subtract(UnitValue unitValue)
          add a MeasuredValue to this and return the sum (if it exists)
 void DataPoint.storeUnitValueForObservable(java.lang.Object observable, UnitValue unitValue)

Constructors in edu.asu.cri.MirkE.dataStructures with parameters of type UnitValue
MeasuredValue(UnitValue unitValue)

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